▼情人節住宿優惠 February Promotion -2月甜甜蜜蜜幸福快樂-2月官網訂房時輸入折扣碼"Love2025"即可享95折訂房優惠注意事項● 本專案「限」官網訂房時使用,現場恕無法追加。● 本專案每日限量,恕不適用團體訂房。● 本優惠恕無法與其他優惠專案 及「限時促銷」合併使用。● 本飯店保有以上活動內容異動之權利,若有變動以現場或官網公告為主。Celebrating Love in February ,Enjoy 5% discountBooking on official website by entering the promo code 'Love2025'.Notes:This offer is valid only for online bookings and cannot be applied on-site.The promotion has a daily limit and is not applicable for group bookings.It cannot be combined with other special offers or time-limited promotions.The hotel reserves the right to modify the terms of this promotion; any changes will be announced on-site or on the official website.Promotion Code:Love2025▼Kids Fun童遊專案 Kids Fun 童遊【專案內容】1. 提供兒童備品乙份-含 兒童牙刷、牙膏、洗沐、室內拖鞋2. 房內兒童益智遊戲玩具3. 依住房人數(2大1小)提供早餐4. 私人溫泉池* 限電話訂房 ,最晚請於入住前三天預訂,每天限定 2間,售完即止,敬請提前預訂。 訂房電話:02-2896 9798*專案入住人數:2大1小每房最多入住人數2成人、2小孩如第二位小童身高超過120CM或以上,入住需加收500元,含乙份早餐及備品【專案注意事項】1. 專案期間:2024/11/11~2025/02/282. 訂房方式僅限電話預訂,不適用OTA平台、業務訂單。3. 專案依房型人數提供早餐,2大1小。4. 住宿期間預訂 KTV可享房客優惠,3小時 一時段 $1,200,續唱每小時$300。5. 每房提供兒童備品限乙份。6. 如損壞或帶走房內兒童遊戲用品,房客應照飯店規定賠償。7. 不得與其它優惠方案併用。8. 未詳盡之處,以現場規定為主,本飯店保有專案活動之修改及終止權利且保有解釋權。【About Kids Fun】1. Provide one set of children’s supplies - including a children’s toothbrush, toothpaste, body wash, and indoor slippers.2. Educational toys for children.3. Breakfast provided according to the number of guests (2 adults and 1 child).4. Private hot spring pool.*Reservation by phone only. Must be booked three days in advance. Limited to 2 rooms per day, first come first served. Please book in advance. Tel: 02-2896 9798*Occupancy: 2 adults and 1 child. Maximum occupancy per room: 2 adults and 2 children. If the second child is over 120 cm in height, an additional charge of NT$500 will apply, including one breakfast and supplies.【Notes】1. Project period: 2024/09/01~2024/10/31.2. Reservations are only accepted by phone, not applicable to OTA platforms or business orders.3. Breakfast is provided according to the number of guests in the room type, 2 adults and 1 child.4. During the stay, guests can enjoy a KTV discount: NT$1,200 for a 3-hour session, NT$300 per additional hour.5. Only one set of children’s supplies is provided per room.6. Guests must compensate according to hotel regulations if children’s toys in the room are damaged or taken away.7. Cannot be combined with other discount offers.8. For any unspecified matters, the on-site regulations shall prevail. The hotel reserves the right to modify or terminate the project and retains the right of interpretation.▼生日專案 Birthday special 『當月壽星』立即享專案優惠住宿四重優惠►此優惠需入住一週前訂房,恕不接受入住當天訂房優惠四重送:❤住宿延退1小時❤贈小禮物❤Party Room 歡唱優惠2小時$800,續唱每小時$300 (原價$1780/2小時)❤官網訂房時輸入折扣碼"HBD2025", 即享95折優惠(點擊圖片看更多資訊) "Birthday Star of the Month"Special Accommodation Package: Four Exclusive Offers► This offer requires booking one week in advance and is not available for same-day bookings.Four Exclusive Offers:❤ One-hour late check-out❤ Complimentary gift❤ Party Room karaoke special: 2 hours for $800, additional hours at $300 per hour (original price: $1,780/2 hours)❤ Enter the discount code "HBD2025" when booking through the official website to enjoy a 5% discount(Tap the image for more information)▼樂齡住宿專案 ►此優惠需入住一週前訂房,恕不接受入住當天訂房►官網訂房時輸入折扣碼 "SH2025", 即享95折優惠►住宿延退1小時►全館無線免費WIFI►新北投捷運站到店 計程車費折抵►歡唱優惠2小時$800,續唱每小時$300 (原價$1780/2小時)(點擊圖片看更多資訊)► This offer requires booking one week in advance and is not available for same-day bookings► Enter the discount code "SH2025" when booking through the official website to enjoy a 5% discount► One-hour late check-out► Free Wi-Fi throughout the entire property► Taxi fare reimbursement from Xinbeitou MRT Station to the hotel► Karaoke special: 2 hours for $800, additional hours at $300 per hour (original price: $1,780/2 hours)(Tap the image for more information)▼KTV Party Room 派對房方案 多功能派對房適合 聚會、派對、聚餐、會議▼20坪寬敞空間▼獨立私人湯屋▼全新KTV設備▼享樂遊憩區: 飛鏢、手足球*房客專屬優惠*平日(一至五)$1,500/3小時假日(六至日、國定假日)$1,800/3小時開放時間:10:00-22:00 /三小時為一段請先現場/來電預約 02-28969798 Multifunctional Party Room Ideal for gatherings, parties, dining, meetings▼ Spacious 20-ping area▼ Private hot spring bath▼ Brand new KTV equipment ▼ Entertainment area: Darts, foosballExclusive offer for guestsWeekdays (Mon-Fri): $1,500/3 hoursWeekends (Sat-Sun) & Public Holidays: $1,800/3 hoursOperating hours: 10:00-22:00 / Three-hour slotsPlease make a reservation on-site or by phone at 02-289697982024 馥悅溫泉季 「溫泉季開跑!!」 獨立湯屋 $980/起(限 電話預訂)電話預約: 02-2896 9798台北忽冷忽熱濕度爆表的秋冬很需要泡泡湯、排排濕氣,在冬季前打好底子趕快來一場說走就走的溫泉與文化一日之旅吧另外還有「樂齡、生日、親子、醫旅」住宿專案歡迎到官方網站逛逛#北投 #溫泉旅行 #TaiwanTravel #hotspring #taipeitravel #beitou▼醫旅健檢專案-首10組優惠 馥悅溫泉酒店 x 北投健康管理醫院【醫旅專案說明】在這個快節奏的21世紀,健康變成了一種奢華。北投老爺酒店和北投健康管理醫院聯手推出的「臺北國際醫旅」計劃,就是為了滿足你對健康與休閒的雙重渴望。想像一下,既能享受豪華度假的愜意,又能獲得專業的健康管理,這樣的旅程怎能錯過?健檢服務—讓健康變得輕鬆有趣北投健康管理醫院坐落在新北投捷運站2號出口步行2分鐘,這裡集合了各大醫學中心的頂級醫生和專業醫療團隊。運用最新科技,提供精準的身體檢查和美容醫學服務,而這一切都在舒適的酒店氛圍中進行,讓你在放鬆的同時,享受最先進的健康檢測。健康諮詢—專屬你的健康顧問醫療團隊會為你設計專屬的健康管理計劃,無論是個人還是全家,都是量身定制。選擇你需要的醫療健檢項目或健康諮詢服務,會為你提供專業建議和周到的行程規劃。更棒的是,當天聽報告,如需要會協助轉榮總/振興醫院主任醫師門診,健康諮詢服務全年無休,隨時隨地守護你的健康!想要在度假的同時,給自己一個健康的驚喜嗎?入住北投馥悅溫泉酒店,讓我們的健康療癒型度假為你帶來全新的身心靈體驗吧!【北投馥悅溫泉酒店住宿說明】每間豪華雙人房最多可 2人成人入住,小童身高超過120CM或以上,入住需加收500元,含兒童備品乙份限電話訂房 ,入住前 一週前預訂,敬請提前預訂另有二人同行健檢專案,歡迎致電查詢 含 1趟「新北投站-飯店」、1趟[飯店-健檢中心] 計程車費 入住時間:15:00, 退房時間:11:00(行李帶至健檢中心櫃台報到,協助保管行李,貴重物品可保管於中心提供之個人專屬置物櫃內)【注意事項】│專案期間:2024/09/01~ 2025/03/31訂房方式僅限適用電話訂房 ,不適用OTA平台、業務訂單。跨年、春節等特殊節日恕不適用此方案,馥悅溫泉酒店保有最後決定及解釋 特殊節日之權利,請來電洽詢。住宿期間預訂 KTV可享房客優惠,3小時 一時段 $1,200,續唱每小時$300。不得與其它住宿優惠方案併用。未詳盡之處,以現場規定為主,本飯店保有專案活動之修改及終止權利。